
Best Dividend-Yields From Foreign Stock Exchanges

Here is a current stock list of 85 highest dividend-yields from major national and foreign stock exchanges and indices. The list shows the Top5 stocks of leading global stock exchanges and indices sorted by the highest dividend-yield. The average dividend-yield amounts to 8.20 percent. Observed countries and indices are:

Canada (TSX60), New Zealand (NZX50), Spain (IBEX35), Hungary (BUX/BUMIX), Austria (ATX), Singapore (Strait Times), Australia (ASX50), Belgium (BEL20), Germany (DAX30), USA (S&P500 Dividend Aristocrats. Nasdaq100, Dow Jones Industrial), Hong-Kong (Hang-Seng), United Kingdom (FTSE100), France (CAC40), Netherland (AEX, AMX, AScX).