“Hi Tom,
I found your blog by accident but I think it’s a very interesting and
valuable resource as I'm also trying to build a passive income through
One thing I noticed is that you only seem to include US traded stocks? Is
there a reason for not including European stock exchanges, or Hong Kong and Australia?
One other question if you don't mind, is it possible to buy dividend stocks
just before the dividend date and then sell them and repeat the process? What
is the purpose of the ex-dividend section of your site?
Thanks in advance...”
My main
focus is on U.S. stock, that’s right. It has several main reasons. Firstly, my
database makes it very easy to discover good growth stocks. In addition I
looked at stocks all around the world, also China and Africa. Some of them look
very good in terms of fundamentals but they don’t have the same quality and as
most of the international acting U.S. companies.
In the
past I often noticed that the market tends to move back to U.S. large cap equities
when there are some turmoil’s in the market. An American stock is a safe heaven
and I believe that this should work also for the next decade. The money is
still in Anglo-Saxon hands.
I also
publish sheets of the best yielding stocks worldwide in my weekly updated
Dividend Weekly. The book shows the best yielding stocks from major stock
markets but is less detailed than my regular articles.
I am
looking for providers who can deliver me qualified material about foreign
stocks but I am still busy to work off all the opportunities from the U.S.
market. If you have some great ideas, feel free to submit articles to me and I
publish them.
There is
no sense in ex-dividend stock trading because on the ex-dividend, the stock
should be traded ex-dividend. And a quarter dividend of only 0.5% or 1% is so
low that your daily fluctuations or trading fee exhaust your potential gain.
The main
reason for the ex-dividend section is to improve the number of dividend stock
ideas. Over the year I’m able to publish around 5,000 additional stocks with
fundamentals. With my regular articles I would never catch them.
I hope my
view helped you to understand why I publish daily ex-dividend stocks and I why
am focused on U.S. stocks. Feel free to submit a comment on my Facebook-Page. I always try
my best to help others.