
Stocks With The Highest Annual Dividend Growth Of The Past 3, 5 and 10 Years

Recently, I showed you how your investment portfolio grows over 30 years if you own sustainable long-term dividend growth stocks. 

The key notice from the article was that if you buy high yielding stocks with fast dividend growth, you could maximize your portfolio return. 

It sounds quite easy but it’s hard to find those stocks because no one of us can look into the future or has crystal ball. 

Today I like to show you those stocks with the highest short, mid and long-term dividend growth of the past 3, 5 and 10 years. 

Over the next upcoming days, I will also deliver a few stocks with the highest 10year dividend growth rate of the most consistent dividend raiser in the market. 

Here the best dividend growers of the past decade....
Stocks With The Highest Annual Dividend Growth Of The Past 
3, 5 and 10 Years (click to enlarge)