
15 Long-Term Dividend Growth Stocks That Could Reach A 10% Dividend Yield Soon

Achieving a double-digit dividend yield isn't a complicated process, however two key ingredients are essential. First, you'll need to identify and invest in high quality businesses that will grow their dividends for the foreseeable future.

Ideally you're looking for dividend growth of at least 5% per year. Then, you'll need significant patience. A 4% yield won't grow into a 10% yield overnight. You're most likely looking at a 10-15-year holding period to see a 4% or 5% yield transform into double-digits. If you get panicked out of the market at the first sign of volatility, this strategy will be much harder to execute.

However with a little bit of research into quality dividend growth stocks and a buy-and-hold strategy, you'll have every chance of being able to enjoy sizeable returns in the future.

However, what if there was an investing strategy that allowed you to enjoy yields as high as 10%, 15% or even 20%, without taking on any excessive risk or investing in high yielding stocks that could possibly see their dividends cut? The good news is that such a strategy exists.

Welcome to the world of dividend growth investing. Attached you will find a couple of stocks that might achieve a 10% dividend yield in the near future. 

Each of the stocks I show you have a dividend yield of at least 2% while earnings are expected to grow by more than 10 percent for the next five years. In addition, every stock has managed to grow dividends over a period of more than 10 years without a break.

These are the results...

15 Long-Term Dividend Growth Stocks
That Could Reach A 10% Dividend Yield Soon