
20 Undervalued Dividend Stocks With PE's Below 10

The S&P 500 is currently trading near an all-time high, which is making it quite difficult to find companies that are trading on the cheap.

However, if you're willing to turn over a lot of rocks, you'll find that there are still a handful of stocks out there that are trading for dirt-cheap prices.

With dividend stocks hot this year, some market experts are advising investors to be cautious and selective. Identifying companies with room to raise dividends significantly, rather than focusing on finding the highest yields, might be your best way forward.

I've tried to find a couple of undervalued stocks that might not be overbought or overprices. I've selected those stocks with positive earnings growth and single digit P/E's multiples.

Here are the results of my research...

20 Undervalued Dividend Stocks With PE's Below 10
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