
The 20 Worst Performing Dividend Paying Stocks for 2016

Sometimes, when we try to have our cake and eat it, too, life comes back to bite us. Or, in this case, the market comes back to bite us. Such was the case this year for investors who bought growth stocks that also offered up dividends. 

 We are looking for the Worst Stocks for 2016. In these times of market turbulence, it’s our job to watch out for the worst investments that can sink your portfolio. Our search is not merely limited to the worst stock in the Dow or S&P. 

Below you will find the 20 worst performing dividend paying stocks for the year 2016. Sometimes you will find there really attractive bargains. Oversold companies with a big group of short seller. 

Those could be really great investing opportunities. Heathcare stocks is the worst performing group. I like GILD, AMGN, NVO and AZN. Which do you like from the list?

 These are the 20 worst performing large cap dividend paying stocks....

20 Worst Performing Dividend Paying Stocks for 2016
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