
Growth Stocks With Potential To Double Dividends

Dear Reader, find below a list of Growth Stocks With Potential To Double Dividends . Creating such high-quality content is hard work and takes a lot of time. You might have noticed that we don't display ads or get paid for our posts. We deliver this information for free.

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Ticker Company P/E Fwd P/E P/S P/B Dividend Get the PDF via Mail…
BCPC Balchem Corporation 52.59 35.98 5.89 5.60 0.36% Stock Report of BCPC
ODFL Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc. 28.16 20.83 3.56 5.29 0.33% Stock Report of ODFL
AYI Acuity Brands, Inc. 22.34 16.59 1.83 4.08 0.32% Stock Report of AYI
CGNX Cognex Corporation 36.33 36.88 11.88 9.26 0.31% Stock Report of CGNX
BDC Belden Inc. 52.96 10.44 1.15 2.16 0.28% Stock Report of BDC
MMS MAXIMUS, Inc. 22.18 19.08 1.7 4.05 0.28% Stock Report of MMS
NVDA NVIDIA Corporation 40.39 33.64 13.89 18.52 0.22% Stock Report of NVDA
OLED Universal Display Corporation 77.4 34.25 20.66 8.77 0.20% Stock Report of OLED
CMD Cantel Medical Corp. 48.94 32.58 4.75 6.65 0.18% Stock Report of CMD
HEI HEICO Corporation 53.26 43.96 6.21 9.07 0.13% Stock Report of HEI
RDN Radian Group Inc. 8.87 7.39 3.48 1.35 0.05% Stock Report of RDN
CI Cigna Corporation 17.96 13.26 1.11 3.31 0.02% Stock Report of CI

Ticker Company Sales past 5Y Sales Q/Q EPS Q/Q EPS next 5Y Perf Year
BCPC Balchem Corporation 13.90% 11.30% 18.1% 24.0% 44.34%
ODFL Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc. 9.50% 23.10% 66.7% 19.3% 49.83%
AYI Acuity Brands, Inc. 12.60% 5.90% -5.1% 10.0% -2.52%
CGNX Cognex Corporation 18.20% 18.60% 0.6% 27.4% 5.25%
BDC Belden Inc. 5.30% 9.50% -22.7% 10.2% -9.71%
MMS MAXIMUS, Inc. 18.50% -0.40% 5.4% 12.5% 0.93%
NVDA NVIDIA Corporation 17.80% 40.00% 91.0% 17.2% 56.96%
OLED Universal Display Corporation 32.20% -64.50% -81.1% 31.8% -2.56%
CMD Cantel Medical Corp. 14.80% 13.10% 3.9% 18.0% 11.92%
HEI HEICO Corporation 11.20% 19.00% 45.8% 18.4% 59.08%
RDN Radian Group Inc. 6.20% 5.40% 854.8% 15.0% 13.71%
CI Cigna Corporation 7.40% 10.10% 4.3% 14.5% 11.06%