Low Beta Dividend Stocks from Consumer Goods Sector with Best Dividend Yield by Dividend Yield - Stock, Capital, Investment. The consumer goods sector is an interesting field for investors with risk aversion. Recession or not, consumer goods companies have usually low fluctuations in their operational performance. The low cyclic in sales and income affects mostly the stock price which has therefore a low beta (Correlation between stock market and share price). The lower the beta ratio, the less the correlation is between capital market performance and the stock price.
I screened the consumer goods sector by stocks with lowest beta ratios as well as a dividend yield of more than 4 percent. As beta criterion, I selected a value of less than 1. Only 15 stocks remained of which 4 had a beta ratio of less than 0.5.
Here are my 3 most promising stocks from the screening results:
1. Kimberly Clark (KMB) is acting within the consumer goods industry. The company has a market capitalization of USD 25.6 billion, generates revenues in an amount of USD 20.3 billion and a net income of USD 1.7 billion. It follows Price/Earnings ratio is 15.4 and forward price to earnings ratio 12.4, Price/Sales 1.3 and Price/Book ratio 14.9. Dividend Yield: 4.3 percent. Years of Consecutive Dividend Increasing: 36 Years. 5-Year Dividend Growth: 7.8 percent. The company paid dividends since 1935. The beta ratio amounts to 0.43.
2. Altria (MO) is acting within the cigarettes industry. The company has a market capitalization of USD 52.2 billion, generates revenues in an amount of USD 23.9 billion and a net income of USD 3.4 billion. It follows Price/Earnings ratio is 15.3 and forward price to earnings ratio 11.6, Price/Sales 2.2 and Price/Book ratio 2.2. Dividend Yield: 6.0 percent. Years of Consecutive Dividend Increasing: 45 Years. 5-Year Dividend Growth: -10.4 percent. The company paid dividends since 1928. The beta ratio amounts to 0.46.
3. United Guardian (UG) is acting within the personal products industry. The company has a market capitalization of USD 63.6 million, generates revenues in an amount of USD 13.8 million and a net income of USD 3.9 million. It follows Price/Earnings ratio is 16.5 and forward price to earnings ratio 12.9, Price/Sales 4.6 and Price/Book ratio 4.5. Dividend Yield: 5.0 percent. Years of Consecutive Dividend Increasing: 7 Years. 5-Year Dividend Growth: 8.06 percent. The company paid dividends since 1996. The beta ratio amounts to 0.50.
Take a closer look at the full table. The average price to earnings ratio (P/E ratio) of the list amounts to 16.86. The dividend yield has an average value of 5.40 percent. Price to book ratio is 4.49 and price to sales ratio 2.26. The average operating margin amounts to 17.38 percent.
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Low Beta Consumer Goods Stocks With Highest Yield (Click to enlarge) |
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