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20 Buy Rated Dividend Stocks With Yields Over 8%

One group of investors that has had more than their fill of quantitative easing (QE) is income investors, who rely on investments that pay steady and dependable dividends or distributions that help supplement other sources of income. 

The whole point of QE was to drive down interest rates to make higher risk assets more attractive. 

While that has worked out pretty well for growth stock investors with long time horizons, income and growth and income investors were left with very little to cheer about. 

In the early 2000s, large money center banks were offering certificates of deposit, guaranteed for principal up to $250,000, that yielded anywhere from 5% to 7%. Currently that is in the 2%-plus range.

It's sad but we needed to say goodbye to higher yields with low risks. Today we get only low yields with high risk.

Attached you can find 20 stocks with a buy or better rating that offer you a 8% yield or more.

I've only included those stocks with a market cap over 2 billion in order to avoid the really big risks.

Here are my results....

20 Buy Rated Dividend Stocks With Yields Over 8% (click to enlarge)