Buying big companies with strong cash
flows and competitive advantages is one of my key philosophies when I think
about investments.
I also like such companies that grow and give more and more money back to shareholders.
I also like such companies that grow and give more and more money back to shareholders.
I believe that
each company should work for its owners and give them a good and solid return.
That's one of the reasons why I'm scouting each week for the latest stocks with dividend growth and share buyback announcements.
That's one of the reasons why I'm scouting each week for the latest stocks with dividend growth and share buyback announcements.
Below are seven
large caps with shareholder-friendly activities. I've tried to select a good
mix from several sectors and industries but you can also find more by looking
at the full list of dividend growers at the end of this article. I hope you get
some inspirations.
7 good stocks with
dividend growth or share buyback announcement are....